Our services
Profit from APREN's experience in Responsible Investing, SME competitivity in emerging markets and Industrial Development through technical and entrepreneurial excellence. Our Swiss based company runs a local office in Lima, Peru that has a strong focus on field work (study, implementation and monitoring) in Colombia and Peru itself.
See here with whom we have been working hitherto in the context of our three main focuses:

Responsible Investments to enable entrepreneurial competitivity
New: we are an officially certified Validation and Verification Body (VVB) for international Climate Protection Projects on behalf of Switzerland's Office for the Environment (FOEN).
We advise responsible investors and public institutions, we do implementation work in Emerging Countries and create an enabling environment between Financial Institutions (FI), Technical Experts, Co-finance Stakeholders and Beneficiaries (SME). We are experienced in facilitating cash-flow based lending in the context of public-private-partnership funding schemes, by:
Operating guarantees as risk reduction instrument and its stand-by-documentation (SBLC) in close cooperation with international donors and trust managers;
Monitoring gradual guarantee redemption, in accordance with specific project needs;
Setting up, Operating and Monitoring reimbursements after successful (i.e. measurable) project implementation, striving for faster debt amortization;
Ensuring constant communication between technical operations' centres, first-level banks, SME as beneficiaries and international donors as well as further partners such as second-level banks and public or private funding agencies to prevent organisational bottlenecks or fraud;
Ensuring confidence through tailor made customer service - considered highly critical when implementing green finance projects in developing countries - and smooth operations between all stakeholders in a complex programme setup;
Managing all types of related scientific documentation for international donors that back guarantees and reimbursements;
Further development of cash-flow (and asset) based productivity enhancement schemes to prepare new initiatives together with private sector Financial Intermediaries, specifically in Peru. Assessing the usefulness of other types of (co-)finance such as low interest rates, insurance coupled credit schemes, specific risk transfer schemes such as SPV, first-loss actors’ schemes leveraging more equity funds, amongst others;
Tailor made technical assistance for SME that includes technology assesment, technical and political feasibility studies, selection of best available or applicable equipments, assistance in environmental accounting, assessment along the on-site implementation work, ex-ante and ex-post impact measurement using specific environmental indicators (e.g. CO2, VOC, PM10, BOD5) in order to facilitate management decisions, post-sales consultancy.
Environmental Technology and Industrial Development
Project Management, Technical and Management Advisory, Communications, Lectures
Analysis and Determination of Efficiency Measures (Energy, Inputs, Water, BAT) in Industries and Services;
Finance solutions for Efficiency Measures (Industry and Services) in the context of Public-Private Sector Cooperation;
Evaluation, monitoring and reporting of Efficiency and Competitivity Measures;
Consultancy on implementation of Management Systems (e.g. ISO 14001);
Development and Implementation of promotional activities to scale up Energy Efficiency in Industries and Services (Marketing, Distribution);
Talor made communications and Event Organisation for peer groups, covering the following topics:
Resscource protection, Green Economy, Eco Efficiency throughout the value chain, Green Finance, Corporate Governance / Tripple bottom line, Environmental Accounting.
Urban Development
Project Management, Project Assistance, Communications, Lectures
Better quality of life for everyone: Analysis, Strategy and Project Management for safe, accessible and clean public spaces
Conception and Implementation of measures to reduce littering and dynamize closed loops for recyclables in the urban context
Environmental Feasibility Studies
Planning and Implementation of democratic procedures to better involve urban society in big infrastructure project, including organisation of promotional events;
Scientific Reporting to ensure excellence in Urban Development projects;
Lectures to the following topics: Cost-Benefit-Ratio of clean and safe urban spaces; Best Practice Measures to avoid neglection of urban areas; Society involvement to get best impact and ensure long term acceptance of urban projects; Intermediary services and Communications / PR.

Do you need general information or look for a local Swiss counterpart in Peru or Colombia?
Get in touch with us - we will find a suitable solution!